Knowing that like attracts like, and that everything is energy is all very well. It is however your thoughts and feelings that are the real tools in attracting all you desire.

The impact of thoughts and feelings

If everything is energy, either moving in to form, through form, and out of form, then we are all made of the same thing - always moving energy waves. If we are all made of the same thing, we are all connected. If we are all connected, everything I do, think, feel, or say has an impact somewhere on something or someone.

This does not mean we have to become the thought police. It does whoever mean that what we think and feel intensely, and what we do, creates ramifications in the quantum field. Energy is always attracting other energy of the same frequency. So if what we think and feel and do feels good, then this is attracting people, experiences, things that also feel good, creating a positive chain reaction. Likewise if it feels 'bad', then we are attracting more people, things, experiences that feel 'bad', creating a negative chain reaction.

This is why people say, "things always happen in 3's". If you have a strong negative experience, then you tend to be sending out thoughts and emotions that attract more experiences of the same frequency - more negative experiences. A stubbed toe is followed by an argument with a spouse which is followed by a flat tire. The worst part is, that without awareness of the impact of thoughts and feelings, each of these incidents tends to compound the thoughts and feelings of the individual, spinning to worse and worse experiences, creating 'a really bad day'.

Good vs. bad thoughts and feelings

Shakespeare had it almost right. He said:

"There is nothing in heaven or earth that is good or bad that thinking makes it so."

This is really a two-part truth disguised in one sentence. The two- part truth is this: "there is nothing in heaven or earth that thinking makes it so" - i.e. nothing exists until it is thought.

"there is nothing in heaven or earth that is good or bad that thinking makes it so" - whatever you think is neither good or bad - it is your interpretation of information gathered by your human receptor machine and what you decide is pleasant or unpleasant that makes it so.

So the truth about thoughts and feelings are:

Truth 1: Nothing exists without thought.

Truth 2: Nothing is good or bad - there are only interpretations. You decide if they are pleasant or unpleasant.

So avoid these pitfalls:

Avoid judging your experiences as 'bad' or 'good'.

Don't worry about being the 'thought police' - focus instead on feeling good. Not only will you feel great, you will be in vibrational alignment with your true desires and intentions.


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