Two weeks can be a lifespan. Just ask Ben James character, Wade Foster, in the September 11 thriller, Insider Dreams, which hit the bookshelves in 2006. The tense work against chronicles the lives of four individuals concluded the two weeks prevailing up to the beat on the World Trade Center.

In his introductory tall novel, Ben James chronicles the lives of 50 period old machine specialist, Wade Foster and his ordinal wife, Amanda Rutherford on a road flight to attend a wedding ceremony in Seattle.

Still struggling near his gone and a one yr matrimonial to Amanda, the stanchly square Foster attempts to veil oodles of the seeming terrorists goings-on going on in the region of them while communicating at a distance next to his dad, Andrew Foster, a former federal agent, consequently subsequent Harold Phillips, an FBI agent in Seattle, who too happens to be the son of a man the elder Foster former worked.

Meanwhile, unidentified to Foster, his first daughter, Megan is interviewing for a job in the World Trade Center but she is loath to describe her dad when she calls him for unease he will not consent of her arrangements. Ben James masterfully combines the Foster's participation next to the terrorists, Megan's dart from Atlanta to New York City and Megan's affiliation next to Darin Blake, a man her age who too works in the southerly steeple next brings the saga to a eye-catching judgment two years after the Foster's instrument to their quarters in Oklahoma City, a calm, resplendent morning, Tuesday, September 11, 2001.

An intense jiffy occurs when Foster sees the foray on a small-scale black and light TV in his bureau past calls Megan on her cell phone booth. At the instant he calls, Megan, Darin Blake and two others have entered the northeastward well from the 86th horizontal surface of the south-central structure and have ready-made their way to the landing involving the 79th and 80th floors.


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